Water Saving Landscape in Dubai
Water saving landscape in Dubai is very essential as it helps with the irrigation system. In addition, a water saving landscape has many advantages for the owner: it helps them save water, which implicates fewer costs, the water budget diminishes, and it is very effective for agriculture and plants.
In order to have an effective water saving landscapein Dubai it is important to use regional and native plants that do not require too much water and to group these plants according to their water needs. Doing so, the automatic water system is prone to be effective due to the fact thatgrouping the plantsthat have similar watering needs cuts down on the water use significantly and, in addition, itsecures the plants from under wateringor overwatering. The water saving landscape is going to give permission to the owner to irrigate each zone according to its water needs.
Professionals are going to recognize the soil conditions and they are going to know how to plant in the most appropriate manner. It is essential to understand that zones of the same zonecan have significant variations when it comes to the type of the soil, theminimum and maximum exposure to sun and wind, and the evaporation rates and moisture grade. Therefore, for an effective water saving landscape, professionals are going to be aware of the best plant type considering the soil conditions.
Most clients desire to have an area with turf grass. This is an important issue for the water saving landscape, because turf grasshas the biggestpart of the irrigation water, it is not uncommon for turf grass to need more water than otherplants. Knowing this, homeowners have a tendency to overwater turf grass. Therefore, the landscapes that have wideareas of turf grassuse more water than they are supposed to. The water saving landscape in Dubai helps reduce the water usage, by planting theturf grassin the areas that are most suitable.
Another method that the water saving landscape in Dubai uses is to minimize the steep slopes.It is important to understand that the slopes include many challenges in water usage and in landscapes, due to the fact that they have the potential to erode and to break. It is preferred to avoid the slopes in the water saving landscape design. However, if slopes cannot be avoided in the landscape design, one very common solution is to program plantings that have deep roots in order to stabilize the soil.
In other words, the water saving landscape in Dubai helps the owner with a much improved landscape and better water usage. However, it is important that one does not forget the fact that water saving landscapes are not only useful for the owner of the landscape, but it is also helpful for the zone itself. Taking into consideration the fact that Dubai has a very warm climate, water is essential for agriculture and any type of planting.
The water saving landscape in Dubai aids the zone by decreasing the water usage and improving the hydro zones. It is important not to forget that saving water is very important for warm climates, especially the ones with poor hydrosphere. In addition, using excessive water does not only harm the water cost or water usage. It damages the plants considerably and the owner is going to have to purchase more nutrients or soil fertilizers, or even change the plantation completely.
In this case, the owner is going to pay extra for water usage, for soil fertilizers or replacements, for nutrients, or even for new plants. However, changing the plantation does not only implicate spending money on plants, but it also implicates spending money on work force, or to waste personal time replacing them. Therefore, the water saving landscape in Dubai helps prevent this unfortunate situations by automatically irrigating the plants with the necessary water amount. This is not only helpful for the plants and the costs, but it also saves a lot of time.
It takes hours to irrigate the plants manually and there are many downsides of doing so: there are particular moments during the day when it is not suitable to water the plants and the owner, besides the fact that he wastes a lot of time, he is also prone not to water the plants correctly. Therefore, the water saving landscape in Dubai has many advantages and it is worth spending money on it.

Phone: +971 (4) 2776167 • Fax: +971 (4) 2776168
info@h2oirrigation.ae • www.h2oirrigation.ae
PO Box: 35987, Dubai, UAE
Location: Business Bay, Prism Tower, o.2309